1. The City of Ocala is seeking bids from experienced Contractors to provide Stormwater Grounds Maintenance Services for the Southwest sections of the City. These services will include the maintenance services for the City drainage retention ponds (DRA’s). Contractor must provide all labor, equipment, tools, and materials necessary to provide professional grounds maintenance services.
2. All work must be coordinated by the City's Project Manager Brian Herrick (352) 351-6927 or Dan Slivka, (352) 351-6729

3. Contractor must provide the city project manager with a valid telephone number and e-mail address. The phone must be answered during normal working hours or have a voicemail available to leave a message.

4. MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING: A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held for this solicitation on 12/18/2024 at 10:00 a.m. at 1805 NE 30th Avenue, Bldg. 300, Ocala, FL 34471. Bidders are required to attend this meeting for their submitted bid to be deemed responsible. Please refer to the ProRFx listing at for details and updates regarding the mandatory pre-bid meeting.


1. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT: Bidder must possess five (5) years of experience in providing mowing/ground maintenance services for similar size projects.

2. LICENSE REQUIREMENT: Bidders are required to have a Florida Department of Transportation Temporary Traffic Control (TCC) Certification. This link will provide information on how to obtain this license LICENSE REQUIREMENT: Bidders are required to have a Florida Right-of-Way Pesticide License during the contr to purchase and use restricted-strength herbicides such as Full-Strength Roundup for fence lines and around some structures. This link will provide information on how to obtain these licenses: Additionally, you may call the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) at (813) 744 -5519 ext. 103

3. NOTE: Bidders must provide proof of FDOT TTC Certification and Florida Right of Way Pesticide License at the time of bid submission or during the initial Procurement review. Any bids that does not meet the license and certification requirements will be rejected as non-responsive.


1. Bids will be received on a unit price basis and must include all costs to complete grounds maintenance services for the specified line item as outlined in this Scope of Work. The City will pay the Contractor only for the actual cuts that the Contractor provides.

2. Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder as determined by the grand total of all line items set forth in the bidder’s Exhibit B- Price Proposal document submitted in response to this Solicitation.

3. Responsiveness and Responsibility: In order to be deemed responsible, Bidders must meet all requirements outlined in this Scope of Work. In order to be deemed responsive, Bidders must upload a complete Exhibit B-Price Proposal document in Excel format. Price Proposals submitted in any other format (i.e. .pdf, .docx, or handwritten) are not acceptable and will result in bid rejection. Bidders experiencing difficulty accessing or otherwise utilizing Exhibit B – Price Proposal must contact the Buyer identified in the ProRFx listing for this Solicitation prior to the bid submission deadline for assistance.

4. Contractors who have been awarded contracts for Northwest (ITB No. PWD/240905), Northeast (ITB No. PWD/240894), or Southeast (ITB No. PWD/241018) are ineligible to bid on this Solicitation.